Broadmoor Breeze Newsletter
Advertising Order

1 month and 3-month advertisements will be as posted, however, $5 off on 6 months and $10 off on 1 year advertisements. These savings will also apply to a business card, 1/4 and 1/2 page

Classified: Non commercial – Residents    $15 for 20 words  

Business Ads – Residents and Non Residents

Deadlines are the first of the month. Publication date is generally the 15th of the Month electronically and USPS around the 25th of the month.

All Business Ads must be in electronic format.

Prepayment required – Make check payable to Broadmoor Huntington Harbour and mail the check to Powerstone Property Management, Attn: Danielle Romero, 9060 Irvine Center Drive, Suite #200, Irvine, CA 92618 along with a printed copy of this form.

For additional information contact editor,