Broadmoor Huntington Harbour
Work Order Information

If a PowerStone WO Number is not provided, enter 9999.

Select your email address.

Enter a resident's name, otherwise, enter N/A.
Enter a resident's phone, otherwise, enter N/A.

Enter the resident's address number, otherwise, enter N/A.      
Select a location or resident's street name, otherwise, select N/A.      

Identify where problem is located, otherwise, enter N/A.

Enter a general description of the work.

Instructions needs to include the steps required to complete the work satisfactorily.

To retrieve saved WO information enter emailed Work Order No.

WO AUTHORIZATION (to be completed by a committee member only)

Select your email address.



The following is to be completed by the Maintenance Staff.

Select your email address.
Enter hours worked.

Select your email address.
Enter hours worked.

WO COMPLETION VERIFICATION (to be completed by a committee member only)

Select your email address.
